What a whirlwind of a week! I honestly never expected the
Boopsies to be so well received! I have only 3 girls left to list & one that's unspoken for. And holy unprepared me! I had truly forgotten the horrors of shipping day! What you think you can accomplish in one day usually stretches out into several, esp. when you are a perfectionist & absolutely everything has to be just
so. I had really special & extensive plans for how I wanted to present my girls to their new owners & realizing them was almost more time consuming than creating the dollies themselves! Nonetheless, you can find fun in almost anything you do. :) I also spent a lot of time just taking long hard looks at each girl in hopes that I might somehow burn the very image of her right into my eyeballs, never to forget! I am sooo attached to these pretty little poly-filled things, it's almost not right! I think I would be overwhelmed by dread & sadness at this point if they weren't on their way to such wonderful, warm loving homes.
We've placed a world map in our brand spankin' new studio & are pinning pics of each dolly wherever she wound up. Lets see... Bessie is off to live with Lisa in Maryland, Faye is heading to Nebraska to be with Jana, Alessia in Italy adopted Cornelia, (aaahhh, my DREAM destination, lucky thing!) Donna is destined for Michigan to strut her stuff in 'stOOpid' land with darling Kimmy, Molly & Dee get to go reside with Natalie in the beautiful New Zealand of all places (my other dream destination, I wanted to stow away in their package if just to attack sweet Nat when I jumped out of the box!), Janie is making her way to Australia to become part of Jodi's cuddly clan, Renee's Elle is in utter disbelief to be traveling to New York - she couldn't have dreamt of a better place to live! When the leaves start to fall, she'll come undone! Hmmm, though not literally I hope ;), Flo & April were ecstatic to be bought up by the one and only Olivia, Kandi is South Africa bound to be with Willow & Lousie is wheezy with delight to be on reserve for Gretchen! (Of
Shop 66 fame!) Sheesh, just imagine the 'incomprehendibly' cool company (hello made-up word, nice to meet ya) she'll soon be in! :) Sincerely though, I believe each & every girl made a magical match with the most neato selection of dolly adorers around!
I keep being advised not to let my shock be known that they went so fast, but that's just not me. The truth is I feel greatly honored to have had such a precious group of girlies buy the dolls. They are truly a gorgeous-hearted gaggle of doll collectors & people in general & my heart feels at peace now that each girl is going where she is.
So I'm estimating that once I get a chance to list the remaining three dolls (now I'm wishing we hadn't sold the ones we did at the craft fair last month, I never even got so much as a picture of their dear little selves before they were stuck in a bag and toted off with a bunch of nameless strangers, [at least finding them homes through etsy means I will most likely catch a glimpse of them here & there on flickr & get to stay in touch via piccies of the girls in their new digs], the next batch of Boopsies shan't be ready 'til at least early May. All due to major fine tuning, an overabundance of ideas & the itty bitty break we need to shower / eat / sleep, (hee hee). But eek! To say I am psyched about the finishing touches we gave them before they were boxed up & shipped would be a grand canyon-sized understatement! I don't want to spill here what they were, or surely I would nullify any & all element of surprise, but darn it if I didn't wanna box one of them up & then send her to myself! I guess now I can only wait & see what the response is. Though after all that enslaving shipping, I thinks I definitely deserve me a little thrifting adventure. Am thinking maybe Kamloops. A good two hour drive, but their shops are a thriftoholic's DREAM! And I guess now that I've bulked up my blog a bit, it's finally time to start spreading the link around, stop being so secretive & hermitty. Whoever's reading by chance though, please enjoy the rest of your week. Life is good! :)
*Sidenote: Good God! Is the quality/resolution of pictures on this site
ever reduced to nothing but blurry, poopy pixelated mudge! It's such a shame!