In full-on busy bee mode this week literally up to my eyeballs in dolly parts using as much Missy-might as I can muster to have a new batch of Boopers ready for next week. I'm also going to be attending the annual Cake Walk here in Kelowna next Friday & promised to haul a bunch of dollies there as well. Mum is tagging along for moral support & ha ha, as much as she feels completely passionate about what we're doing, when she tells her friends at work & stuff that she is making dolls with fruit loops & shit on their heads she is getting some pretty strange looks & reactions. I think she's going to be sitting at our table next Friday hiding behind something & pointing at me when people pick up our dolls to take a look.
I'm also using almost every spare minute I can squeeze in to plan Zoo's upcoming 6th birthday party. He has never in his life been thrown a bash where kids were in attendance (he is such a little misfit / oddball that he simply hasn't ever made any friends) so with the absense of a yard full of children & the magic that they tend to create on their own, we're going all out to give Zoo a birthday to remember this year. He's been talking about robot cake & pizza forever so that's what's on the menu & I'll take the robo cake challenge on myself. We're also making him his own web site & have ordered an Arthur video from Kideo.com, in which he will be the star of the show! (I can't WAIT to see his face & watch him beam!)
Speaking of *birthdays*, today is the birthday of one of ***THE*** most memorable, influential, intoxicating & heart-wrenchingly beautiful humans to have ever walked Earth. Her name is Adrian & even if you took the most gripping lyrics ever & tossed in the writings of the likes of Gibran, you STILL wouldn't come close to finding words worthy of her sweet & decent soul. This picture is for her. I hope it makes her laugh & I hope her day's been good. (Adi, thank you for the years upon years of what you've done for this world & for my life!)
Hehe, Missy you know you are awesome beyond words.
I wish you so much luck at the Cake Walk and the birthday party plans sound absolutely perfect.
Happy birthdays all round! <3
Oh!!! I forgot to even mention how mind blowingly awesome that photo is. Absolutely adorable! <3
Wishing you wonderful weather for a great birthday party.
omfg!!!!!! this BLOG is the bestest gift i could've been gifted not to mention the freakin JOHN LENNON looooooooove. omg. i am just so touched :) thank you thank you thank you :)
you're so beautiful.
cant wait to catch up here.
Hello sweet girlie!
Such a WONDERFUL POST! Luv the John pic! I got a HUGE giggle out of the comments regarding your Mum and the dollies! hee! hee! Im keeping my fingers and toes crossed XXXX that your dolls are a HUGE success! However, they will NEVER be worshiped and loved as much as YOUR DEEPEST and CLOSEST FANS!!!! :)))
Awwwww.....the b-day party you are planning for your son sounds super fab! Be sure to take lots of pics! Would love to see more BEAMING silly smiley faces from your handsome little man!!!
Have a fabulous and creative week!!!
good luck at the cake walk, lady!!
i can just see your mom helping out and ducking her head & hiding behind newspspers.. hihihi
i'll be in touch soon. we never got our follow up call yet!!!
love you!
Good luck planning your son's birthday party, it sounds like he's going to have an amazing birthday!
I love the picture, everything on your blog is so much fun and so pretty and colorful...
robot cake is where it's at.
I love that picture! That guy is too fun and too cool for words, really...
that photograph is aamaaaaazing!
hey there pretty kitty!
i didn't know you had a blog, yippee!!! i just about cartwheeled over my computer when i found out, of course it's sweet, beautiful, and full of delectable candy colors just like you! your kiddo's b-day sounds like a b-day dream come true, a robot cake is the best! so so so happy to find you here in blog land, my eternal favorite always, missy, sweet missy!
hugs & kisses & lots o' love from me to you!!!!!
thanks so much! glad my eyebrows are gettin lovin from somebody i think they've been feeling neglected since i haven't fixed them up in a while- trying to grow in my unibrow for prom
We love you.
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